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Outliving The Scars On My Back 
 A One Woman Theatrical Play

"Outliving The Scars On My Back" is based on a true story, a show that is wickedly funny and will have you rocking in your seat as you scream with laughter.  Paris’s story invites self-reflection, as she explores her own justifications behind the methods she used to fit into today's society. It deals with image, beauty and growing up in the African American community.  The play transports us back to Paris's childhood in St. Louis, Mo., Glendora Mississippi, Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, California.  It explores the conditioning she's absorbed from traditions passed down from slavery through today's media. It is especially informative for our young people because they are the ones who are most susceptable to the  media and peer pressure as far as compromising their own image and self-esteem. The play gives them an alternative perspective from what they see on television, in tabloids, and  magazines,  a perspective that allows them to appreciate their own natural beauty.  But however, wether they wear their hair straight, wavy, wigged, weaved, braided, bald, or curly, we are all beautiful and hopefully, educated through health and wellness along the journey.  




Paris Davis Dean D.A.M.P Media

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